From Graphics to Glamour: EAC’s CAVE Transforms into Fashionable Backdrop for Inviting Arkansas Magazine

Cover of Inviting Arkansas October 2023 Issue. Photo taken by Dero Sanford.

The Emerging Analytics Center’s CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) became a photo shoot backdrop for the October 2023 issue of Inviting Arkansas magazine. Geometric shapes and futuristic abstract motifs resulted in a visually captivating and memorable editorial spread that complimented the month’s theme: “Festival of Fashion”.

The fusion of tech and fashion, creates a reminder of how artistic expression can push the limit of traditional boundaries. This beautiful collaboration demonstrates a unique opportunity for how the CAVE system can transcend beyond its original purpose, ushering in new horizons in creative expression and redefining what is possible with technology.

For a further look at this collaboration, feel free to browse the Inviting Arkansas magazine’s October 2023 issue.

On Key

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